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🐳 Deploy with Docker

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0. Requirements

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

1. Create a Docker Compose file

Create an empty folder and, inside that folder, create a file named docker-compose.yml with the following content:

image: postgres:14.5
environment: &db-env
POSTGRES_USER: yourpostgresusername
POSTGRES_PASSWORD: yourpostgrespassword
- dbdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data
image: riggraz/astuto:latest
<<: *db-env
SECRET_KEY_BASE: yoursecretkeybase
- "3000:3000"
- db


2. Edit environment variables

In docker-compose.yml, set the following environment variables to suit your needs:

Environment variableServiceDescription
POSTGRES_USERdbUsername for the Postgres database
POSTGRES_PASSWORDdbPassword for the Postgres database
BASE_URLwebThe base URL from where the website will be served
SECRET_KEY_BASEwebA secure 64 characters secret (you can generate one from this site)
EMAIL_DELIVERY_METHODwebPossible values: "smtp". If you don't want to configure an email delivery method, don't define this variable.
EMAIL_SMTP_HOSTwebHostname of your SMTP server
EMAIL_SMTP_PORTwebPort of your SMTP server (optional, defaults to: 25)
EMAIL_SMTP_USERwebUsername for your SMTP server (optional, don't define this variable if your SMTP server doesn't require authentication)
EMAIL_SMTP_PASSwebPassword for your SMTP server (optional, don't define this variable if your SMTP server doesn't require authentication)
other SMTP variables...A full list of environment variables for email configuration and other helpful tips can be found at this link
RAILS_LOG_TO_STDOUTwebWhether to log to stdout or not. Useful for debugging purposes. (optional, defaults to false in production)

3. Run

Run the following command:

docker compose pull && docker compose up

You should now have a running instance of Astuto on port 3000. A default user account has been created with credentials email:, password: password.

Permission denied on Linux

If you are on Linux and you encounter permission denied errors when running Docker commands, try to run them as administrator.